For passwords, please contact Librarian Mrs. M. Iruegas at or or call 956-323-2256 during school hours.
If you have a question or request for Mrs. Iruegas, please Ask the Librarian.
Library Online Databases and Resources
MackinVia Gives you access to all Region One Instructional Resources including e-Books, Encyclopedia Britannica, EBSCO Databases, GALE Databases & more.
To login, enter this information:
School/Library: Salinas Stem Early College High
User ID: (student ID) Password: (student DOB)
South Texas College Library Dual enrollment students have access to the library’s databases, research guides, and e-books. Your STC A-number is needed to login.
La Joya ISD Online Public Access Catalog You can search for books in LJISD’s high school libraries.
McAllen Public Library Gives you access to databases, archives, statistics, job links, test preparation and more.
Infotopia This academic search engine offers users access to safe sites. No username/password is needed.
District e-Books
MackinVia Login with this information:
School/Library: Salinas Stem Early College High
User ID: (student ID) Password: (student DOB)
You can also download the MackinVia app and login using your own credentials as listed above. This will allow you to checkout e-books and save them to your account.
Select “eBooks” or “Groups” to see the eBooks.
myON This site has interactive e-books with a link to AR if the book has a test. (Select Login with Google and login with your own credentials.)
More e-Books (non-District Resources)
BookBoon (Free 30 day trial - access to some textbooks)
Open eBooks (See librarian for code for Open eBooks Library. Download App.)